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Clindamycin phosphate manufacturers

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Country of origin : Jordan

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clindamycin phosphate

Solution 1%, (50ml)

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GMP approvals
Manufacturer #17000
Over the last 25 years, the company has passed several steps in its journey towards becoming one of the successful players in the pharmaceutical industry in the region. It is a company specialized in the development, manufacturing, and marketing of human pharmaceutical products, cosmetics, and medical devices of different therapeutic categories.

Manufacturer usually replies in 4 days

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Clindamycin Phosphate is a lincomycin antibiotic. It is used to treat "Acne vulgaris", which is a common to form of acne, consisting of non-inflammatory and mildly inflammatory lesions. Its actions stop the growth of bacteria and help reduce the number of acne lesions. In the severe form of acne, the individual suffers from painful nodules. While Acne is not a serious health issue, it can lead to disfiguring, permanent scarring. It can be very upsetting for people who suffer from the disorder. In the United States alone, more than 17 million people have acne. Clindamycin Phosphate is sold under the brand names Cleocin T,clinda –Derm amongst others. Upjohn and co, first filed for a Clindamycin Phosphate patent in1966, and It was first approved for use in 1968. Bayer and Dupont also filed two different patents during the 80s.

Forms and dose:

Clindamycin Phosphate is available as a lotion, medicated pad, swab, or a foam. To administer the lotion, a thin layer of medication usually applied, twice a day. To use the lotion, the patients are asked to shake the bottle well. To treat using a medicated pad or swab, apply to the affected area gently. More than one pad or swab is used depending on the size of the area to be treated. When using the foam, apply once daily to cover the entire affected area. Careful not spray directly onto your hands or face because the foam will begin to melt on contact with warm skin. The foam may be sprayed directly into the cap or onto a cool surface such as a countertop.

The price of Clindamycin Phosphate:

In the USA, the consumer pays an average retail price of $79.08 for a supply of 30 capsules of 300mg. whereas, in India, Clindamycin Phosphate Gel, weighing 15 grams cost $1.8.

How does it work?

Clindamycin slows and stops the growth of bacteria, decreasing swelling. It kills bacteria by inhibiting protein synthesis at the site of protein synthesis. While clindamycin phosphate is inactive in vitro, rapid in vitro hydrolysis can convert it to clindamycin with antibacterial activity. Clindamycin inhibits bacterial protein synthesis at the ribosomal level by binding to the 50S ribosomal subunit, this affects the process of peptide chain initiation.

Finding Clindamycin Phosphate Manufacturers and Suppliers

The best way to find and gain access to Clindamycin Phosphate manufacturers and Clindamycin Phosphate suppliers is to make use of Pipelinepharma's global B2B online marketplace for medicines and other pharmaceuticals. Normally, finding trusted manufacturers and supplies of specific drugs like Clindamycin Phosphate can be a time-consuming challenge, but with Pipelinepharma's simple search engine and network of proven partners, the whole process becomes a lot easier. All you need to do to get started is to make use of our integrated search engine and start looking for suppliers or manufacturers of Clindamycin Phosphate to work with. You can fine-tune your search results using various filters too, letting you search for Clindamycin Phosphate from specific countries.

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