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Dextromethorphan hydrobromide manufacturers

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18 products found

dextromethorphan hydrobromide + promethazine hydrochloride + pseudoephedrine hydrochloride

Oral solution 15 mg + 3.125 mg + 30 mg

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GMP approvals
Manufacturer #20853
The company’s mission is to invest in and operate businesses that restore health and enhances the lives of those they serve. Healthcare professionals use medicines and diagnostic devices to treat and manage infections, cardiovascular, metabolic, gastroenterological, rheumatic conditions, and more.

Manufacturer usually replies in 4 days

dextromethorphan hydrobromide + triprolidine hydrochloride + pseudoephedrine hydrochloride

Oral solution 15 mg + 1.25 mg + 30 mg

Dossier type
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GMP approvals
Manufacturer #20853
The company’s mission is to invest in and operate businesses that restore health and enhances the lives of those they serve. Healthcare professionals use medicines and diagnostic devices to treat and manage infections, cardiovascular, metabolic, gastroenterological, rheumatic conditions, and more.

Manufacturer usually replies in 4 days

dextromethorphan hydrobromide

Oral solution 15 mg

Dossier type
Dossier status
Ready to file
Country of origin
GMP approvals
Manufacturer #20853
The company’s mission is to invest in and operate businesses that restore health and enhances the lives of those they serve. Healthcare professionals use medicines and diagnostic devices to treat and manage infections, cardiovascular, metabolic, gastroenterological, rheumatic conditions, and more.

Manufacturer usually replies in 4 days

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Dextromethorphan Hydrobromide

Dextromethorphan Hydrobromide is used to get temporary relief from coughs without phlegm, caused by specific infections of the airways, these infections affect the sinus and common cold. It does not relieve the symptoms of coughing caused by smoking and it is also not used in the management of long-term breathing ailments like chronic bronchitis or, emphysema. The key ingredient is dextromethorphan which suppresses the need to cough while lifting up the threshold for coughing. Dextromethorphan Hydrobromide in combination with Promethazine HCl, in syrup, is also used to treat cough, itching, sneezing, discomfort in the eyes caused by allergies. Dextromethorphan has a very little mu-opioid effect but exerts its therapeutic effects through several other receptors Dextromethorphan Hydrobromide is commonly sold under the brand names Benylin, Creomulsion, Delsym amongst others. Dextromethorphan Hydrobromide was tested by the US Army and CIA as a replacement for Code-based medicines and approved for commercial use in 1957. However, the research on its properties started in the early 1950s. It may be used in generic labels and store brands, Benylin DM, Mucinex DM, Camydex-20 tablets, Robitussin, NyQuil, Dimetapp, Vicks, Coricidin, Delsym, TheraFlu, Charcoal D, Cinfatós and others. It has been used in counterfeit medications. Forms and dosage In its pure form, dextromethorphan is sold as a white powder. The standard dose for antitussive therapy is between 10 and 45 mg. The International Society for the Study of Cough recommends that the first dose should be 60 mg in the adults and patients should avoid repeat dosing. Given the forms and nature of ailments it is used to cure, it is available in different strengths and is prescribed in different forms of different strengths depending on the disease. The cost of Dextromethorphan Hydrobromide It is sold as a powder. This powder costs an average of USD132 per kilo. The same quantity sells for usd138 in the USA and USD194 in China.

How does it Dextromethorphan Hydrobromide work?

As any therapeutic, Dextromethorphan has a central effect on the brain, this elevates the the threshold for coughing, without ciliary activity inhibition, as opposed to working locally or directly on the respiratory tract.

Finding Dextromethorphan Hydrobromide Manufacturers and Dextromethorphan

Hydrobromide Suppliers One of the fastest and easiest ways to find Dextromethorphan Hydrobromide manufacturers and Dextromethorphan Hydrobromide suppliers is to make use of Pipelinepharma's global B2B online marketplace for medicines and other pharmaceuticals. Usually, finding trusted manufacturers and supplies of specific drugs like Dextromethorphan Hydrobromide can be a time-consuming challenge, but with Pipelinepharma's simple search engine and network of proven partners, the whole process becomes a lot easier. All you need to do to get started is to make use of our integrated search engine and start looking for suppliers or manufacturers of Dextromethorphan Hydrobromide to work with. You can fine-tune your search results using various filters too, letting you search for Dextromethorphan Hydrobromide from specific countries, for example.

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