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Favipiravir manufacturers

1 products found



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Country of origin : Jordan

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1 products found


Tablets 200 mg

Dossier type
Dossier status
Ready to file
Country of origin
GMP approvals
Jordan, United Arab Emirates
Unavailable markets
Registered in
Jordan , United Arab Emirates
Available for
Licensing with supply, Distribution only, Technology transfer
Manufacturer #19123
It is situated in the Arab country of South West Asia. The company achieved a GMP certificate in the 2010s. It even owns a delivery infrastructure of more than 15,000 square feet of research and development, manufacturing, and QC. It is one of the fast-growing formulations and manufacturing companies in the MENA region with more than 30 formulations.

Manufacturer usually replies in 7 days

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Favipiravir Manufacturers

Favipiravir is a form of modified pyrazine analog that was first approved for therapeutic use in resistant instances of influenza by Toyama Chemical Co., Ltd. in Japan. The antiviral attacks the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp) enzymes, which are required for viral genome transcription and replication. Favipiravir not only inhibits influenza A and B replication but has also shown promise in the treatment of avian influenza and may be a viable alternative for influenza strains resistant to neuraminidase inhibitors. Favipiravir is being researched to treat life-threatening infections like Ebola, Lassa, and recently COVID-19. Favipiravir was licensed in Japan in 2014 to treat instances of influenza that had not responded to standard treatment. It has been researched in various nations to treat novel viruses such as Ebola and, most recently, COVID-19 due to its efficacy in targeting several types of influenza. Favipiravir is an antiviral used to treat influenza and could be used to treat other viral diseases. Favipiravir is a drug used to treat Coronavirus infections (COVID-19). Favipiravir is a type of antiviral drug. It prevents the SARS-CoV-2 virus from spreading. As an outcome, the viral load in the system is lowered, sickness spread is restricted, and recovery time is expedited. The common side effects stated by the Favipiravir Manufacturers are increased levels of uric acid in the blood, diarrhea, increased liver enzymes, and decreased white blood cell count (neutrophils). From our global list of merchants, we discovered 11 verified favipiravir manufacturers and favipiravir suppliers. Manufacturers in India, Jordan, and Bangladesh sell pharmaceutical medicine in a variety of formats, including tablets, enteric-coated tablets, tablets, tablets, and film-coated tablets. Following use in a patient treated for COVID-19 shortly after delivery, only limited information is available (Jafar 2020). COVID-19 infection increases the risk of serious sickness in pregnant women. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) classifies pregnancy as a high-risk medical condition (ACOG 2020). Information on the treatment of COVID-19 during pregnancy is still developing; consult current recommendations for the management of pregnant patients for the most up-to-date information. If you have gout, you should talk to your doctor before taking Favipiravir since it could induce hyperuricemia (high uric acid levels). Please consult your doctor before combining Favipiravir and repaglinide, as doing so may result in unpleasant side effects of this medication are low blood sugar, headache, and upper respiratory tract infections. Patients who are allergic to Favipiravir or any of its constituents should not be treated with it. Favipiravir should not be given to children. Patients with severe kidney or liver illness should not be given it. People who have abnormal uric acid levels or suffer from gout should also tell their doctor before using Favipiravir. To avoid any potential risk to your baby, ask your doctor before starting therapy with Favipiravir if you are planning a baby, pregnant, or breastfeeding. To obtain the most benefit, please follow your doctor's directions.

How does Favipiravir work?

Favipiravir's method of action differs from those of other influenza antivirals, which largely prevent the virus from entering and exiting cells. The active favipiravir-RTP inhibits RNA polymerase and stops the viral genome from replicating. The interaction of favipiravir-RTP with RNA-dependent RNA polymerase is the subject of various theories (RdRp). When favipiravir-RTP is integrated into a nascent RNA strand, it suppresses RNA strand elongation and viral growth, according to certain research. Purine analogs have also been reported to diminish favipiravir's antiviral activity, suggesting a competition for RdRp binding between favipiravir-RTP and purine nucleosides. Take Favipiravir exactly as directed. Favipiravir should be swallowed whole with water, not chewed or crushed. Your doctor will determine how long you need to take Favipiravir based on your medical condition.

The Cost of Favipiravir

An online search for the wholesale price for sale of Favipiravir for distributors will reveal a wide range of costs. Remdesivir costs $0.93 per day, favipiravir $1.45 per day, hydroxychloroquine $0.08 per day, chloroquine $0.02 per day, azithromycin $0.10 per day, lopinavir/ritonavir $0.28 per day, sofosbuvir/daclatasvir $0.39 per day, and pirfenidone $1.09 per day. The cost of manufacture per treatment course (10–28 days) varied between $0.30 to $31. The current pricing of many pharmaceuticals, notably in the United States, was significantly greater than the expenses of production.

Navigating our Pharmaceutical Marketplace

Being a global B2B pharmaceutical online marketplace, Pipelinepharma is structured to simplify pharmaceutical deals by providing you with an intuitive interface that is easy to engage with. The selection of Favipiravir distributor’s offerings can be narrowed down with the use of filters and easily weighed against one another according to medication prices and commercial terms. The advanced filters help you filter out the countries for this substance manufacturer and this substance Favipiravir supplier that you are looking for. These also enable you to check the dossier status of this medicine and the GMP approvals of the different variants of Favipiravir. Also, each manufacturer or supplier product description contains essential information about this substance, including clinical data, stability zones, countries where Favipiravir is already registered in. Manufacturers also have special and delivery terms.

Establishing commercial ties

If you are a pharmaceutical licensing company or a distributor, you can enter into deals or negotiations over these medicine offers with manufacturing companies after completing the free registration process and joining our online marketplace. This helps to ensure that you conclude the pharmaceutical product deal at a reasonable cost and achieve one of the best cost/benefit ratio for your company while bypassing lengthy sourcing, negotiation, and order process. Once you have finalized a deal, you can look forward to a long-lasting business relationship with the manufacturers or Favipiravir suppliers. This way, the marketplace allows you as a distributor to skip the process of shortlisting product manufacturers every time you are looking for in-licensing or distribution deals.

Quality Assurance

To keep up to the quality standards other than Good Manufacturing Practice approvals that this medicine manufacturers list has, we qualify their companies before they are onboarded on the platform. This allows us to screen Favipiravir Manufacturers for the quality of the pharmaceutical products’ dossiers and protect against the risk of possible malpractices.

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