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Fulvestrant manufacturers

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Solution for injection 250 mg/5 ml

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Under development
Country of origin
European Union
GMP approvals
RLD-Faslodex (Astra Zeneca ) (RX)Dossier availability date: Q1 2027
Manufacturer #19992
A pharmaceutical manufacturer based in the EU that is active in 20+ countries selling its products for 190+ years. Key production lines are Rx, OTC, medical devices, and nutraceuticals. The company's production lines are GMP-compliant. Main therapy areas include anti-infectives, dermatology, and CNS. The company products are prepared in CTD dossier format.

Manufacturer usually replies in 5 days

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Fulvestrant is a type of cancer medication that is prescribed to women of postmenopausal age. Sometimes Fulvestrant is branded and goes by the name of ‘Faslodex.’

Fulvestrant use

The drug is administered to females who are ill with hormone-related metastatic breast cancer. Fulvestrant is mainly an injectable solution aimed at stopping the disease from progressing and is primarily used in combination with a pharmaceutical product called Ribociclib. Fulvestrant is a medication that is primarily used in HR-positive and HER2-negative breast cancer treatment. It was somewhat a new drug, being approved for medical applications in the United States only back in 2002. Licensing in other countries could be different.

How does Fulvestrant work?

Cochrane reviews found that Fulvestrant is a safe and efficient drug used in endocrine therapies of the first and second lines. For postmenopausal women who are suffering from metastatic breast or local advanced unresectable cancer – Fulvestrant is one of the few medications for sale that can help. It is the very first medication of its kind to be approved for administration. The drug works by attaching to the estrogen receptor and acting as a destabilizer. By doing so, Fulvestrant forces the natural protein degradation courses to terminate the receptor altogether.

Daily dosage & other important info

Fulvestrant is usually administered in an injectable form. A medical professional is often responsible for carrying out the injection. Injections are in the buttock, straight into the muscle. This medication must be injected very slowly, prolonging the time it takes actually to inject it to almost 120 seconds. Since this a potent drug prescribed to patients who are in life-threatening conditions, there usually is no daily dosage. Fulvestrant manufacturers and health care specialists mostly advise and choose to give injections twice per month in the early stages of treatment and reduce the dosage to one injection per four weeks later on. Since Fulvestrant is mostly administered to women who are of postmenopausal age, this is not a common concern. Still, this pharmaceutical product must not be given to women who are pregnant or breastfeeding. It is also not recommended to breastfeed or get pregnant within 12 months of receiving the last injection of Fulvestrant. One more thing worth noting is the fact that women who had treatment before or women that have cancer, which has not progressed with anti-estrogen medication, might not receive Fulvestrant.

Fulvestrant manufacturers

Fulvestrant is a sophisticated form of advanced medication that is in limited supply worldwide. Nevertheless, buyers can find Fulvestrant suppliers, distributors, and manufacturers in various countries all over the world. Pipelinepharma, for example, hosts a global list of Fulvestrant manufacturers that are from China, India, Turkey as well as Germany. By having an extensive and worldwide list of companies available to them, Pipelinepharma users can find suppliers and distributors close to make the best B2B deals for pharmaceutical products online. If you represent a Fulvestrant supplier, distributor, wholesaler, or any company that offers B2B sales of pharmaceutical products, but you are not listed here – please let us know so that we can add you. You can take full advantage of being listed in a global marketplace for pharmaceutical goods and services.

Cost of Fulvestrant

The cost and price of these drugs largely depend on a variety of factors and criteria. However, you might find prices indicating the cost of 30-35 USD per pre-filled syringe. Keep in mind that the numbers listed here are not official stats. These are merely just a point of reference. You can get offers from any supplier on our site and choose the one with the best price or the best long-term conditions.

Buying Fulvestrant on Pipelinepharma

Buying this pharmaceutical product from Fulvestrant manufacturers and suppliers is very easy on Pipelinepharma. Merely enter the name of the drug into the search bar and browse the vast array of available listings. Filter and sort listings to quickly find the things that suit your needs exactly. Select ‘Get offer’ to negotiate the details with the supplying company directly or accept an offer if there is one present. In the end, no time is wasted, and no need for third-parties or negotiators ever occurs.

Side effects

If used not as prescribed – Fulvestrant may cause unwanted side effects. Besides, overdosing and allergies may invoke allergic reactions. If such is noticed, the patient should stop taking the drug immediately and seek medical attention. Common side effects include: · Headaches · Nausea and a loss of appetite · Pain in joints, muscles, bones · Aching arms, back, legs · Pain in injection locations · Overall dizziness and weakness · Coughs and the feeling of being short of breath Please keep in mind that only common and not all side effects were listed.