

Biosimilars 3

Medical devices



Pembrolizumab manufacturers

3 products found


3 products found


Concentrate for solution for infusion 25 mg/ml - 4 ml

Dossier type
Dossier status
Under development
Country of origin
European Union
GMP approvals
❗development status is Preclinical phase, not ready for commercial dicussion. Ref. Keytruda®
Manufacturer #33698

Established in 1999, this manufacturer specializes in providing integrated strategy, execution, and innovation services for healthcare and life sciences companies. As a CTD dossier owner and manufacturer, it ensures compliance with international quality standards. The manufacturer operates advanced production lines adhering to stringent GMP guidelines.

Manufacturer usually replies in 9 days

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Pembrolizumab Manufacturers

Pembrolizumab, also called Keytruda, is used in cancer immunotherapy to treat melanoma, non-small cell lung cancer, head and neck cancer, stomach cancer, and Hodgkin lymphoma. Pembrolizumab manufacturers produce the medication to be given by slow injection into a vein. Usually, the treatment lasts for about 30 minutes and is received every three weeks. Patients will be on pembrolizumab for as long as it is controlling cancer. The history of pembrolizumab manufacture starts with scientists at Organon, which was a pharmaceutical company based in the Netherlands. They invented the immunotherapy during the first decade of this century, and there are several important milestones in its history. For example, in 2013, clinical trial results in advanced melanoma were published in The New England Journal of Medicine. One year later, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved pembrolizumab under its Fast Track Development Program.

How Does Pembrolizumab Work?

Pembrolizumab is manufactured to trigger the body's immune system to fight cancer cells. Many cancerous cells bind to PD-1, which is a protein on the surface of lymphocytes. By doing this, cancer shuts down a body's ability to kill the disease on its own. Pembrolizumab inhibits the ability of cancerous cells to attach to PD-1 receptors, thereby allowing the immune system to do its work. The medication is also known as an immune checkpoint inhibitor. Immune checkpoints are normal parts of the body that work to dampen an overactive immune system so it doesn't destroy healthy cells. However, sometimes cancer cells will stimulate checkpoints to avoid being attacked. Immune checkpoint inhibitors such as pembrolizumab release the natural brakes that checkpoints put on the immune system, thereby allowing T cells to recognize and attack tumors. Among the possible side effects listed by pembrolizumab manufacturers are shivering, feeling dizzy, itching, feeling breathless, headache, and a pain in the back, stomach, or chest.

The Wholesale Price of Pembrolizumab

With numerous pembrolizumab manufacturers and suppliers in the global marketplace, there is a range of wholesale prices for pembrolizumab. A 2019 report by the National Centre for Pharmacoeconomics in Ireland put the price to the wholesaler of a pembrolizumab 100mg vial as 3,286.81 euros. The cost to the country's health service per patient per year was listed at 134,320 euros assuming a patient received 17.39 cycles.

Looking For Pembrolizumab Manufacturers and Pembrolizumab Suppliers?

To find pembrolizumab manufacturers and suppliers use Pipelinepharma's online platform, a B2B marketplace that is a gateway to potential business opportunities. With the integrated search engine, you can look for manufacturers and suppliers of pembrolizumab and then refine your search with the industry-specific filters such as GMP approvals, dossier types and status, country of origin and more.

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