Product description
Masterwort - root, silverweed cinquefoil – stem/leaf, red clover - flower, professor-weed – stem/leaf, yellow spring bedstraw – stem/leaf, black locust - flower, Lady’s mantle – stem/leaf, sweet fennel - fruit), blend of natural essences (staranis, aniseed, grapefruit, spikenard, cardamom, pennyroyal, fennel, marjoram, Yarrow. The active ingredients of the extract bring the hormonal system* into harmony and help maintain normal thyroid functioning* (bladder whack), maintain healthy reproductive system functioning*** (common liquorice root) and ensure pre-menstrual**** (silverweed cinquefoil) and menopausal relief**** (red clover). Sweet fennel supports good digestion and common liquorice root enhances mental health and serenity.