Generics 5



Medical devices



Colesevelam hydrochloride manufacturers

5 products found


5 products found

colesevelam hydrochloride

Tablets 625 mg

Dossier type
Dossier status
Under development
Country of origin
GMP approvals
Unavailable markets
United Kingdom
Available for
Licensing with supply, Distribution only
Reference Product : Cholestagel® Tablets (Genzyme)
Manufacturer #18226

Manufacturer usually replies in 6 days

colesevelam hydrochloride

Tablets 625 mg

Dossier type
Dossier status
Ready to file
Country of origin
GMP approvals
Registered in
United States
Available for
Licensing with supply, Distribution only
Reference Product : Cholestagel® Tablets (Genzyme)
Manufacturer #18226

Manufacturer usually replies in 6 days

colesevelam hydrochloride

Tablets, immediate release (IR) 625 mg

Dossier type
Dossier status
Ready to file
Country of origin
GMP approvals
Unavailable markets
Peru , United States
Registered in
United States
Available for
Licensing with supply, Distribution only
Manufacturer #16394

Manufacturer usually replies in 11 days

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Colesevelam Hydrochloride Manufacturer

Drug Name: Colesevelam Hydrochloride Chemical formulation: C31H67Cl3N4O Active ingredient: Colesevelam and Hydrochloride Common/generic brand name: Colesevelam Hydrochloride Approved by FDA or not: FDA approved Commonly marketed in: USA, Russia, India and CIS countries Density: Colesevelam hydrochloride comes as tablets with a strength of 625 mg. The typical adult dose is 6 tablets given once a day or 3 tablets taken twice a day. This medicine should be used with a supper and a glass of water. Oral Suspension of Colesevelam hydrochloride is also available. One 3.75 gram package, taken once every day, or one 1.875 gram packet, taken twice daily, is the help boost dose.

What is the Colesevelam Hydrochloride?

This drug, coupled with a healthy lifestyle, is used to decrease cholesterol in persons who have high blood cholesterol levels. Lowering cholesterol lowers the risk of heart disease and strokes, as well as helping to avoid heart attacks and strokes. Colesevelam is also used to treat high blood sugar in persons with type 2 diabetes when combined with a healthy diet and exercise. High blood glucose control can help avoid kidney disease, blindness, nerve impingement, traumatic amputation, and sexual function issues. Diabetic control can also reduce your chances of having a stroke or heart attack. Colesevelam belongs to the bile acid-binding resins class of medicines. Bile acid is a natural chemical produced by the liver from cholesterol. Bile acid is removed from the body by this drug. This allows the liver to produce more bile acid by utilizing cholesterol, lowering blood cholesterol levels. Colesevelam's mechanism of action in decreasing blood sugar is unknown.

Colesevelam Hydrochloride is available in multiple forms:

Colesevelam Hydrochloride is available in tablet form.

Colesevelam Hydrochloride Manufacturers & Wholesalers List

Currently, we haven't found any verified Colesevelam Hydrochloride manufacturers or Colesevelam Hydrochloride suppliers from our global list of sellers. For more information about sourcing wholesale supplies of Colesevelam Hydrochloride please speak to one of Pipelinepharma's customer support representatives on +370-5-207-5842 or send an email to [email protected]. We will get back to you as soon as possible.

How to buy Colesevelam Hydrochloride on Pipelinepharma?

Using Pipelinepharma's online service, a B2B platform that allows you to execute medicinal products deals in a couple of clicks, the process of locating reputable Colesevelam Hydrochloride producers and Colesevelam Hydrochloride vendors can be made faster and more approachable. It's also a simple web platform for expanding your business options. The powerful search engine makes finding producers of colesevelam hydrochloride a breeze. The search can be customized further using industry-specific categories like dossier kind, the nation of birth, GMP clearances, and search term for Wholesaler, among others, making it easier to contact the desired producer and provider.

How to use Colesevelam Hydrochloride?

Colesevelam hydrochloride works in a variety of ways. This lipid-lowering polymer binds bile acids in the intestine, preventing their reuptake in the therapy of Primary Hyperlipidemia. The hepatic enzyme cholesterol 7--hydroxylase promotes cholesterol conversion into bile acids when the bile acid pool is reduced. This has the cumulative effect of increasing the need for cholesterol in liver cells. This has two effects: first, it boosts the expression and function of the cholesterol synthesis enzyme HMG-CoA reductase, and second, it boosts the number of hepatic LDL receptors. Increased clearance of LDL-C from the blood is one of the general compensatory effects. Eventually, the serum LDL-C levels in the blood are reduced. The use of this drug, on the other hand, may enhance or sustain Serum TG levels. Its method of action in the treatment of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus is unknown, although it improves glycemic control.

Colesevelam Hydrochloride Side effects

Common side effects:

Constipation and stomach distress are possible side effects. If any of these adverse effects continue or intensify, contact the doctor or pharmacist right away. To avoid constipation, eat lots of fibre, drink enough of water, and exercise. You could also need to take a laxative.

Uncommon Side Effects:

If you have any of the following unlikely but dangerous adverse effects like stomach cramps, abdomen pain, difficulty swallowing, or abnormal blood loss, contact the doctor straight once. Low blood sugar is not frequently a side effect of this drug (hypoglycemia). Low blood sugar can occur if this medication is administered with other diabetic drugs, if you don't eat enough calories, or if you exercise excessively. Sudden perspiration, shaking, a racing heart, restlessness, blurred vision, vertigo, or tingling palms are all signs of low blood sugar. Carrying glucose pills or gel to address low blood sugar is a smart habit.

Not Known and Rare Effects:

This medicine seldom causes a severe allergic reaction. Nevertheless, if anyone detects any symptoms of a major allergic response, such as redness, itching/swelling, extreme dizziness, or problems breathing, seek medical help right once.

Special Warning or precaution for use

If you have diabetic ketoacidosis, very high triglycerides, a history of intestinal obstruction, or a past of pancreatitis caused by high triglycerides, you should not use colesevelam. Colesevelam should not be used by girls who have not yet started menstruating. Colesevelam should not be given to anyone under the age of ten.

Effect of Colesevelam Hydrochloride on Pregnancy and Breastfeeding

No evidence of fetal damage has been found in animal investigations. Pregnancy has been reported infrequently in the postmarketing era, and a causative link to congenital abnormalities has yet to be demonstrated. In human pregnancy, there are no regulated data. There is no data regarding the effects of breastfeeding.

FAQ About Colesevelam Hydrochloride

1.When using colesevelam, what should one avoid?

Colesevelam will not work as well if you eat foods heavy in fat or cholesterol.

2.Should anyone follow any special dietary guidelines?

Reduce your cholesterol and fat intake by eating a low-fat, low-cholesterol diet. Make sure to follow your doctor's or dietitian's exercise and dietary advice.

3.What happens if there is an overdose?

If somebody has taken an overdose of this medication and is experiencing dangerous symptoms like problems breathing or collapses, they should get medical help right away. Never exceed the dosage that the doctor has suggested for the person.

4.How should the medicine be stored?

Heating, air, or light should not be allowed to come into direct contact with the medicine, since this may cause it to be damaged. The medication must be kept in a secure location out of reach of youngsters.

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