Generics 11



Medical devices



Colistin manufacturers

11 products found


11 products found


Vials, lyophilized injection 150 mg

Dossier type
Dossier status
Ready to file
Country of origin
European Union
GMP approvals
Storage conditions: Between 15-25°C (59-77°F) depending on territory
Manufacturer #1187


Syrup 12.5 mg

Dossier type
Dossier status
Ready to file
Country of origin
GMP approvals
Manufacturer #19097

Manufacturer usually replies in 2 days


Syrup 25 mg, 12.5 mg

Dossier type
Dossier status
Ready to file
Country of origin
GMP approvals
Manufacturer #18273

Manufacturer usually replies in 1 days

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Colistin Manufacturer

Colistin is sold under the brand name “Cortisporin–TC” and belongs to the drug class Polymyxin Antibiotic. It is indicated for the treatment of acute and chronic infections caused by gram-negative bacilli; especially ones related to pseudomonas aeruginosa. Commonly it is used to treat conditions like bacterial ear infections, external ear infections, and pneumonia. It can be administered through the aerosol inhalation nasopharyngeal route, intramuscular route, and intravenous route in form of injection, and by the intrathecal route. Side effects related to this pharmaceutical medicine are numbness, tingling, burning sensation (especially extremities and tongue), vertigo, slurred speech, and seizures. This pharmaceutical medicine is contraindicated in some conditions which include diarrhea caused by Clostridium Difficile, myasthenia gravis, paralysis caused by the neuromuscular blockade, and reduced kidney function. It is categorized as Pregnancy Category ‘C’ by FDA i.e., it crosses the placenta and should be given only when benefits are more than risk factors. It is secreted into breast milk in very small amounts, but this cannot be neglected and cautions must be taken. It was approved by FDA in 1970 for the generic name of Colistimethate Sodium.

How does Colistin work?

It works by binding to the outer cell membrane of Gram-negative bacteria to the phospholipids and lipopolysaccharides of its membrane and causes disruption of membrane and leakage of organelles causing the bacteriolytic effect.

The cost of Colistin

For a supply of 1 powder for injection of colistemethate (150 mg colistin base), it costs approximately $24.

Sourcing the Colistin Manufacturer and Suppliers

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Being a global B2B pharmaceutical online marketplace, Pipelinepharma is designed to simplify pharmaceutical deals for you by providing you with an engaging interface that is easy to work with. The selection of Colistin manufacturers can be narrowed down with the use of filters and easily weighed against other suppliers according to medication prices and commercial terms. The advanced filters help you filter out the countries for this pharmaceutical medicine’s manufacturers and suppliers. These also enable you to check the dossier status of this medicine, and the GMP approvals of the different variants of Colistin Also, each manufacturer or supplier product description contains essential information about the substance including clinical data, stability zones, countries where Colistin is already registered in.

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Identifying a reliable business partner is one of the most challenging problems, and to resolve that problem and help find the trusted Colistin manufacturer and supplier, one can visit the Pipelinepharma website, which helps you in locating the trusted manufacturers and sellers. Pipelinepharma is a business-to-business (B2B) licensing retail market for pharmaceutical medicines that connects sellers with customers to help them grow their businesses. You can filter product names in a user-friendly and unified search engine by country, category, therapeutic area, forms, dossier, and status, and regulatory filings.

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Pipelinepharma is a legitimate service platform. The site thoroughly verifies the product's quality, duration of use, and seller information. To provide a safe and secure service to users, all pharmaceutical substances are first investigated thoroughly for any suspected defects before being promoted for marketing, and seller details are assessed during their registration.

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