Generics 159



Medical devices



Deflazacort manufacturers

159 products found


159 products found


Tablets 6 mg, 30 mg

Dossier type
Dossier status
Ready to file
Country of origin
European Union
GMP approvals
Unavailable markets
Kosovo , Portugal , Vietnam , Sudan
Registered in
Available for
Licensing with supply, Distribution only
Manufacturer #16024

A pharmaceutical manufacturer based in the EU that is active in 40+ countries selling its products in Europe, Africa, Middle East, CIS, North America, LATAM, and Asia for 50+ years. Key production lines are RX products, OTC, cosmetics, food supplements, and veterinary products. They are produced in GMP-compliant manufacture. The main dosage forms are liquid, solid, and semi-solid. The main therapeutic areas are dermatology, metabolic diseases, and respiratory. The company possesses a branch in Africa.

Manufacturer usually replies in 9 days


Tablets 6 mg, 30 mg

Dossier type
Dossier status
Ready to file
Country of origin
European Union
GMP approvals
Registered in
MAs for sale
Manufacturer #357

Manufacturer usually replies in nan days


Oral suspension 22.75 mg / ml

Dossier type
Dossier status
Ready to file
Country of origin
United States
GMP approvals
Manufacturer #17629

Manufacturer usually replies in 13 days

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Deflazacort is used as an immunosuppressant and also as an anti-inflammatory medication. It is popular in the United Kingdom with its trade name used by the manufacturers and distributors, Calcort. This drug was patented in the year 1965. Medical use of this drug began in 1985. Also referred to as Emflaza by the manufacturers, this corticosteroid is useful for managing the symptoms of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy [DMD]. The leading Deflazacort manufacturer is Marathon Pharmaceuticals. This drug was approved by the FDA in the year 2017.
Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy results because of the mutations in the dystrophin gene. This gene is crucial for muscle function. The condition can result in cardiovascular disability, progressive breathing, and serious muscle weakness. The disease manifests by resulting in extreme muscle fatigue followed by the loss of ability to walk by the age of 7.
Deflazacort assists in delaying the onset of complications in muscles. This further prolongs the lives of children who have been diagnosed with the condition. The medication can lower the harmful effects on bone health in comparison to other steroid medications being offered by the trusted pharma manufacturers.
Deflazacort cannot be considered to be a cure for muscular dystrophy. However, it does strengthen the muscles and also slows down the progression of disability. The NHS prescription price for 6mg of this drug is £9.00. The wholesale cost may be a little lesser than this. Apart from being beneficial to muscles, this drug can also help with conditions such as Asthma, Crohn’s Disease, Lymphatic Leukemia, multiple myeloma, Pemphigus, Sarcoidosis, Ulcerative colitis, juvenile chronic arthritis and many more.
The FDA approved a fast track status in January 2015 to Marathon Pharmaceuticals for treatment of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy which is a rare and fatal disease. The CEO of this pharmaceutical manufacturing company made an announcement about the launch of this drug amidst controversy surrounding the steep price of the drug. The price at which the drug was being launched was 70 times more than it would cost in other nations overseas.
The conditions have now changed as far as the wholesale price of this drug is concerned. As the drug has been approved in several nations, the Deflazacort manufacturers are now offering it at lower rates. For instance, in Canada, the drug can be purchased for $1 per tablet. The Deflazacort suppliers are offering this drug under the trade name after the rights were purchased by PTC Therapeutics Inc. from Marathon Pharmaceuticals. In the United Kingdom, Deflazacort suppliers use the trade name Calcort. In Brazil, the distributors use the trade name Cortax or Defcort.
Most companies argue the price for this drug is exorbitant. Initially, the price was indeed more. However, the CEO of the company during the launch of the drug in the US stated that the price tag was due to the evaluation of future dynamics of the market. The net price of Deflazacort has now reduced. Though controlling the price in the future is going to be a challenge for the companies holding the license to manufacture this drug.
If you are a distributor, then you can make good use of the opportunity available and secure a great deal for Deflazacort from the leading manufacturers on Pipelinepharma. You can achieve the best cost/benefit ratio by bypassing lengthy sourcing, negotiation, and ordering process.

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