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Ritonavir manufacturers

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Country of origin : Turkey

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Tablets, film coated 100 mg

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GMP approvals
Manufacturer #554

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Ritonavir Manufacturers

Ritonavir is an active antiretroviral protease inhibitor that is classified as a “protease”. It is approved by the FDA and is commonly available as Norvir”. This pharmaceutical substance is used in combination with other medicines to cure and prevent human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection and the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). It suppresses the HIV infection in the body and boosts the immune system, preventing the risk of other infections or malignancies. It is available to consume orally in the form of tablet, powder, or solution. It is suggested to take it with a meal. This pharmaceutical medicine may show serious interactions with several other medications including Amiodarone and Simvastatin, therefore, always inform the doctor about any other medicine you’re taking. A family history of allergies and disease should be acquired before prescribing the medicine, as severe hepatic and renal dysfunction may cause complications in the treatment. Pregnant and nursing women can take this pharmaceutical remedy, but it is suggested to administer it in a low dose. People suffering from diabetes, high blood pressure, urinary bladder disorder, vascular disease, and thyroid disease are strictly prohibited from taking this drug. General side effects of this drug include vomiting, Dysentery, numbness in lower or upper limbs, nausea, loss of appetite, changes in sense of taste, burning sensation in the chest, abdominal pain, and dizziness. The dose has to be taken as prescribed, generally 100mg for tablet and powder, while for oral solution it is 80mg/mL.

How Does Ritonavir Work?

Ritonavir was colloquially used for its ability to inhibit the protease enzyme of HIV. Currently, it is more commonly used for enhancing other protease inhibitors by inhibiting enzymes in the liver and intestine, that would normally metabolize them

The Wholesale Price of Ritonavir:

A 100mg tablet costs $309 for a supply of 30. The prices may differ depending on the pharmacy you visit.

Navigating our pharmaceutical marketplace

Acquisition of Ritonavir is easier in the present times; however, fraud is at its peak. Pipeline pharma is an online B2B platform where numerous pharmaceutical drug sellers and retailers are registered and offer medicinal drugs, where no harm and risk is guaranteed for users in proceeding with the deals. You can simply search the brand name of your desired drug and look at the list of all the sellers of the particular drug. To specify, Pipelinepharma has provided the option of filtering to make your search more productive . Simply, select the most suitable seller, connect and make a deal without any hassle.

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Pipeline pharma is an interactive platform for drug sellers, buyers, and retailers. The site offers a facility for connecting and negotiating the deal with the approval of both parties. Retailers who have a license in drug manufacturing can register themself and connect to a drug-selling company. Pipelinepharma serves its consumers by meeting the demands and suggestions provided by our beloved customers.

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Quality of product guarantees customer satisfaction. Pipelinepharma supervises the drug's validity and quality before making it available for consumers. The primary aim of the site is to provide the best service in which the quality of drugs plays a major part in gaining customer trust and contentment.

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