


Medical devices

Nutraceuticals 11


S-adenosyl l-methionine manufacturers

11 products found


11 products found

s-adenosyl l-methionine


Country of origin
European Union
GMP approvals
Recommended use
Liver support
Product description
It is a product that improves and normalises liver functions and maintains liver cell membranes. S-Adenosyl-L-Methionine (SAM) or ademetionine has liver-protective properties and it is highly necessary for the detoxification processes of the human body. SAM is a combination of the amino acid methionine and nucleoside adenosine. Product lowers liver enzyme levels and increases glutathione levels
Manufacturer #27613

Manufacturer usually replies in 7 days

s-adenosyl l-methionine + choline + vitamin b6 + vitamin b12


Country of origin
European Union
GMP approvals
Recommended use
Liver support
Product description
S-Adenosyl-L-Methionine (SAM) or ademetionine has liver-protective properties and it is highly necessary for the detoxification processes of the human body. Choline and B group vitamins contribute to normal lipid and homocysteine metabolism, also contributes to the maintenance of normal liver function and influences lipid metabolic pathways. Ademetionine, choline and B group vitamins prevent inflammation.
Manufacturer #27613

Manufacturer usually replies in 7 days

s-adenosyl l-methionine + magnesium


Country of origin
European Union
Recommended use
Liver support
Product description
Improves the mood and supports liver well-being. Product based on S-Adenosyl-L-methionine (SAMe) and magnesium. Plentiful scientific evidence supporting efficacy and safety. Ideal for supporting good mood. Favours the well-being of the liver, promoting the detoxification and regeneration of hepatic tissue.
Manufacturer #26801

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