


Medical devices

Nutraceuticals 17


Saffron extract manufacturers

17 products found


17 products found

saffron extract


Country of origin
European Union
GMP approvals
Recommended use
Nervous system support
Product description
• Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI)(Similar mechanism to Fluoxetine-Prozac) • Action against oxidative cellular stress. • This allows for the below results in our clinical test: • Improved mood • Reduced negative feelings • Increased vigor • Reduced stress and anxiety
Available for
Manufacturer's brand
Manufacturer #26447

Manufacturer usually replies in 8 days

saffron extract + gryphonia extract + magnesium + lactium + vitamin b6

Capsules 14 mg + 25 mg + 60 mg + 75 mg + 0.7 mg

Country of origin
European Union
GMP approvals
Recommended use
Men's health
Product description
First and only nutraceutical in fertility with natural ingredients that improves the vital tone.
Manufacturer #25335

saffron extract

Tablets 14 mg

Country of origin
European Union
Recommended use
Nervous system support
Product description
Inhibition of the reuptake mechanism of dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin, increasing the concentrations of these neurotransmitters in the synaptic cleft of neurons, thereby improving mood balance. Antioxidant effect against the excessive oxidative stress produced during occasional anxiety or stress processes in the central nervous system. Anti-inflammatory action in stressed neural tissue, decreasing hippocampal levels of apoptotic biomarkers and stress signal molecules.
Available for
Manufacturer's brand
Manufacturer #28074

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