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Trenbolone manufacturers

3 products found


3 products found


Injection 50 mg

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Manufacturer #19464

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Trenbolone, not to be confused with Trestolone, is a medication belonging to the nandrolone group of drugs consisting of androgen and anabolic steroids. Although never being marketed itself, trenbolone ester prodrugs including trenbolone acetate have been, under brand names such as Finajet, Finaplix, and others. Other prodrugs formations such as trenbolone hexahydrobenzylcarbonate have also been sold on the global medical marketplace under brand names such as Parabolan and Hexabolan. Where they are commonly used in veterinary and clinical settings to improve muscle mass, feed efficiency, and mineral absorption.

Trenbolone was ordinally synthesized in 1963 by a pharmaceutical products manufacturing company, who subsequently brought its prodrug forms to market. Currently, it has found widespread production and commercialisation by trenbolone manufacturers and trenbolone suppliers. Who commonly list it for sale and wholesale to distributors at a variety of cost and price points.

Method of action of trenbolone:

Trenbolone, also known as trienolone or trienbolone, is a steroid used to increase muscle growth and appetite. Due to its short half-life, it is normally administered as a prodrug (an ester conjugate) such as the aforementioned forms of trenbolone acetate, trenbolone enanthate, and trenbolone cyclohexylmethylcarbonate. This is then transformed into trenbolone in the bloodstream by plasma lipases, which cleave the ester group, producing free trenbolone. It produces both anabolic and androgenic effects and is known to have a potency of five times higher than that of testosterone. It also binds with high affinity to both the progesterone receptor and the glucocorticoid receptor.

Form and dosage of trenbolone:

The final form and packaging of trenbolone are dependent on the manufacturer and suppliers, as well as the specific distributors and order. However, it typically can be found for wholesale in forms including a solution for injection and vials. Due to its nature as an anabolic steroid and subsequent ability to aid in rapid muscle growth, trenbolone is frequently abused by some bodybuilders and athletes for its performance-enhancing effects. As such, it is a highly controlled substance in most jurisdictions and requires a prescription from a medical official to obtain. The normal dose is specific to the indication being treated, therefore the instructions of prescribing official should be followed, as well as the manufacturers' literature being read.

Trenbolone on Pipelinepharma:

Currently, at the time of writing, we have found 2 trusted trenbolone manufacturers and trenbolone suppliers from our online global list of B2B sellers. These manufacturers, suppliers, and distributors are located in countries including India and the United States. Each seller in our online marketplace has been verified by the Pipelinepharma team according to strict quality control. This ensures seller reputability while reducing sourcing mileage.

Price of Trenbolone and how to buy:

A cursory search online reveals that an approximate wholesale cost of trenbolone is 1.6 / g in power form and $ 0.08-0.18 for 100mg/mL in prefilled syringes from China. However, as with the purchase of all drugs, the cost of trenbolone varies significantly based on numerous factors, as such, it is highly specific to the buyers’ circumstance and needs.

Although the price remains confidential between both B2B parties in the online Pipelinepharma marketplace, manufacturers or distributors may choose to list the desired price on their listing to facilitate a trade. This provides a reference on which to begin negotiations and simply expedites the transaction by offering a rapid buying option. If a price has been indicated, an ‘Accept’ and ‘Negotiate’ button will be displayed. If no cost has been set, then a ‘Get offer’ button will be shown instead.

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